God of surprises you call us
from the narrowness of our traditions
to new ways of being church,
from the captivities of our culture
to creative witness for justice,
from the smallness of our horizons
to the bigness of your vision.
Clear the way in us, your people, that we
might call others to freedom and renewed faith.
Jesus, wounded healer, you call us
from preoccupation with our own histories
and hurts to daily tasks of peacemaking,
from privilege to pilgrimage,
from insularity to inclusive community.
Clear the way in us, your people, that we
might call others to wholeness and integrity.
Holy, transforming Spirit, you call us
from fear to faithfulness,
from clutter to clarity,
from a desire to control to deeper trust,
from the refusal to love to a readiness to risk.
Clear the way in us, your people, that we
might call others to freedom and renewed faith.
I love this liturgy.
I think my favorite line is "captivities of culture".
Perfect for the prophets we respond to in Advent. Perfect for the 21st century in the U.S.A.
I love this liturgy also - my favourite is:
"from preoccupation with our own histories
and hurts to daily tasks of peacemaking,
from privilege to pilgrimage,
from insularity to inclusive community." Just as perfect for the UK!
and I like bringing the Wounded Healer into the prayer.
This is a beautiful liturgy. Coming from a less liturgical tradition, i appreciate its beauty. Trinitarian and captures the essence of God's love...
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