Sunday, March 30, 2008

Pendulum Swinger

The Easter season is a season in which we proclaim life in the midst of death, joy mingling with sorrow, hope springing from the very depths of despair.

Yet, we confess the proclamation loses something from pulpit to pew as we struggle with the reality of claiming the love, peace and joy Christ has given us while mired in a world of Good Fridays.

Claiming Easter joy takes practice. We must hone our senses so that we not only learn to recognize such joy in the world around us, but learn to cultivate it through radical acts of resistance, naming and claiming that joy in the face of those who would deny us.

One of the places in which I witness this, is in the Indigo Girls song Pendulum Swinger. The song gives voice to the hope of a better world even as "the ticker of our nation breaks down like a bad clock." This hope comes embodied in the pendulum swinger, both the Spirit of love and the concrete hands and feet of those who seek to make a difference.

She is.
She is.
She is.

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