Monday, April 02, 2007

Holy Monday

John 12: 1-8

"If perhaps not its original setting, now the story belongs in the last days of Jesus. The woman’s response stands in contrast to that of Judas, but also of Peter and the disciples. Both in Mark and in John, as in the common tradition which feeds them directly and indirectly, Jesus is pictured as abandoned by his inner circle of disciples. In the end it will be a few women who are left standing near Golgotha and who will venture to the tomb. The unlikely ones in Mark and John’s world, the women, become the models. This is deliberately subversive and reflects so much of the experience of Jesus’ ministry. Others were so good, so devout, and so busy being so, that they missed the point. This is grindingly obvious, when a woman like this inarticulately breaks the perfume container open and spreads the contents over Jesus’ feet. Mark even suggests that Jesus predicted how memorable her act would be. Let the memory live!"

- William Loader

Prayer for the Day

Gracious God, we give you thanks for the witness of Mary who is remembered throughout the generations for her faithfulness, love and courage. Embolden us with the presence of your comforting and empowering Spirit that we might follow in her daring and devoted ways. Fill us with such extravagant love and audacious conviction that we might learn to lavish the world with compassion even in the midst of opposition, sorrow and pain. Amen.

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